Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Travelling Yogi's

My cousin and I wrote intentions for our road trip to Southern California. Nicole and I are alike and different in as many ways and our combined intentions seemed to look like a tree; similar base varying branches. Yoga quickly became the foundation of a journey that presented many opportunities, experiences, and connections that truly sparked our inner fire and filled our hearts. We are both truly grateful for the experience that presented its self, which gave us the space to quiet our minds, open our hearts and shine.  Our travelling yoga practice reflected both on and off the mat and set a strong loving vibration to share throughout our travelling experience.

From our first class in Cannon Beach, Oregon, a stormy sleepy little town with Christen to our last two classes at Pearl Yoga in Portland, Oregon there was a familiar feel of community within each studio. On the road for five weeks with the continual flow of unfamiliarity, yoga quickly became the familiar. Whether it was; A hot power class in San Francisco at Yoga Tree, a Michael Franty creation.  A small cottage studio in Encinitas which became a celebration of a 60th birthday. The L.A classes with two of the top 20 best yoga teachers: Vinnie Marino at Yoga Works where we were cleansed through sweat with 80 other fellow yogi’s and Sol David Ray, which guided us through a beautiful spiritual journey while listening to the soft plucking of an acoustic guitar at Exhale. An Anusara focus guided us to Yoga Kula in San Francisco where we were blessed to take a class with Katchie Ananda. A world traveler herself presented the vision of home being within ourselves, a strong tool for two adventures ladies in their mid-twenties on a journey. Sixteen studios and twenty teachers in all this became an education for my cousin, a yoga instructor herself building her experience and knowledge of something she loves, and an accomplishment and strong foundation for me to keep building on.

With the arrival of returning home and having the opportunity and time to reflex new intensions are created. To be able to share this knowledge and spark new ideas for others who may find themselves on similar journeys or in one of these communities. I have created a list bellow of the studios and teachers we had the pleasure of practicing with.


Cannon Beach, Yoga, Oregon
Christen, Anusara

Nicole Hamic

Pearl Yoga, Portland, Oregon
Britt Bensen Steele
Nikki Weaver
Angelina Vasile

Community Yoga, Arcadia, California,
            Robin Smith, Anusara
            Jamie White

Yoga Tree, San Francisco, California
            Pete Guinosso

Yoga Kula, San Francisco, California,
            Katchie Ananda, Anusara
            Jessica Archer, Anusara

M-Body, San Luis Obispo, California
Smiling Dog Yoga, San Luis Obispo, California,

Yoga Soup, Santa Barbra, California,
Kellen Brugman

Santa Barbra Yoga Center, Santa Barbra, California,
            Jennifer, Anusara

Yoga Works, L.A, California
Vinne Marino

Exhaule, LA, California,
            Sol David Ray

Carlsbad Wellness Center and Yoga, Encinitas, California,
Debra, Anusara

Yoga Del Mar, Encinitas, California,
Jill Van Meter, Anusara

Yoga Viva, Encinitas, California,

This is dedicated to my cousin Nicole Walford whose inspiration and knowledge of yoga guided us through this journey, and for being a truly amazing individual, friend and cousin. Love and laughter.   

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Venice Beach our worlds meet

What started with the intensions for a beach walk to stretch the legs on Venice beach, CA. Swayed into the witness of a beach culture where all walks merge? Music hit our ears from one of many boardwalk bands, what looked like a group of friends all sharing the same passion for music. Alternative folks, that are carrying the 70’s and doing so with no hesitation. Claiming their gem; Venice beach, for their home, work, play, love, and community, all supporting each other with love, care, inspiration and protection from the one percent. The boardwalk is a play ground with: A skate park on the beach filled with passionate kids, killing it. Cement walls used as easels to share colorful graffiti. Drum circles in the middle of the beach which have a continual body moving beat that flows with no interruptions. Famous muscle beach, no shortage of skin or muscle strength here. A freak show which claims a two headed turtle and anything else freaky you can think of. Homes which have no structural walls only invisible walls; where private moments our shared with no worry or care of the on lookers and judgments. The air is filled with the smells of a continually gathering were no one person is in charge of clean up. A gathering which has possible lasted since the 70’s and will carry on through many more generations.

This experience has left me humbled for this is part of life, experiencing as many personal walks and being open to catch the beauty, passion, and grace of an unfamiliar place.